Tuesday, 20 November 2007

I, me

is the Hakka character for 'I', and 'me'. The pronunciation[1] is ngai2 in most dialects.[2] It is incorporated in the Unicode character set as 𠊎 (you need to have the correct fonts to view this character) in the Extension B range at position Hexadecimal 2028E or in Decimal 131726.

Hanzi DaZidian3 has the following entry :

ái 方言。代詞。表示第一人稱,我。彭湃:" 打了勝仗阿郎返。~愛手槍和炸彈。"

[ ŋai11。 foŋ33 ŋjεn11。 thoi53 tshu11。 pjau31 si53 thi53 jit3 ŋin11 tshin53,ŋo33。ph11 pai53: ta31 liau31 sin53 tsoŋ53 a33 loŋ11 fan33。 ~ oi53 su31 tshioŋ33 fo11 tsa53 than53 ]

ngai2。Fong1 ngien2。Toi4 cu2。 Biau3 si4 ti4 yit5 ngin2 cin4,ngo1。Pang2 Bai4: Da3 liau3 sin4 zong4 A1 Long2 fan1。 ~ oi4 su3 ciong1 fo2 za4 tan4

ngai2. Dialectal. Pronoun. Indicates the first person, I. Pang Pai: After winning the battle, A-Long returned. "I want hand guns and explosives".

Characters, [IPA] , Romanisation & Meaning

[1] 𠊎 [ŋai11] ngai2 I, me
[2]For example, in the Longchuan (龍川 [ljuŋ11 tshon] Liung2Con1) dialect, it is pronounced [ŋuoi21] nguoi2
[3] 漢語大字典 [ hon53 ŋi33 thai53 su53 tjεn31 ] hon4 ngi1 tai4 su4 dien3 Hanzi DaZidian - a comprehensive Chinese character dictionary with approximately 56,000 characters and their meanings, usage and pronunciations in Mandarin.

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