Saturday, 14 June 2008

To give

In Hakka, the word to give is pronounced bin1. The modern written Chinese character 給 (pronounced gib5 in Hakka), clearly inappropriate since the pronunciation is different.

The character 分 fun1 {to divide, to share, to separate} can be seen used in some Hakka materials. Another character also seen for this word is 𠚼 composed of 分 and 刂 with the meaning 分 in old Chinese character dictionaries. The additional 刂 radical seems to enforce an idea of sharing, dividing and separating. It has an alternative form 攽 bin1 which I think is much more appropriate, the radical 攵 can be traced to oracle bone inscriptions as a hand holding a axe or some type of implement.

攽 bin1 {to give}

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